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Writer's pictureGAIL LYNN

Science vs. Spirituality

January 1, 2025

Dear Reader,

It’s been a few minutes since I last wrote to you, but alot has happened since then. I mean, first there was the publishing of my book, which then led to the chaos of having my bank card shut off. Imagine that… I tell mom’s story, put it in a book, order 20 author copies, and just like that… bank card shut off. Same day, same time as I’m placing my order on Amazon. No heads up or warning or even a notification. I’ve heard things like that have happened to others but, … me??? I mean, I’m not Judy Mikovitch or Dr. Battar. I’m just your small town country girl wanting people to know my mom’s story. I want people to know how laws of physics can explain the origin of the pandemic, rather than just blaming China. Let’s face it, when our children do something wrong, we teach them to apologize. We don’t accept the “Jonny hit me first” excuse…though that does kind of explain the laws of physics that addresses the pandemic origins, known as the law of cause and effect, or as the law of karma. A physicist who has gone beyond the textbook to reality would explain it quite easily. (Though they may be afraid that their bank card would be shut off also).

In a spiritual context, the Bible itself is filled with examples of the Law of Cause and Effect. For example in the book of Galatians 6:7-9, it comes right out and tells us, “for whatever a man sows, he will also reap.” This is also stated in The Golden Rule, which is known and stated in most every culture around the world in various formats. “Do unto others as you would have done unto you” is both a law of physics and a spiritual law, universal law, which IS Natural Law that is from antiquity.

In my book, “Ventilated; momma’s story of Covid, karma, and reincarnation” I share more of my research on Natural Law in Chapter 6. It’s like what Ernest Holmes said, “Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it.” That was a lesson I learned first hand the hard way when I was stricken with Lyme disease back in 2013, which I explain in my first book, “The Heroine’s Journey; a tale of love, forgiveness, and the implications of universal laws”. Just imagine if everyone would have known that every single time they cursed someone for not wearing a mask during the “Covid” scare, when they WISHED covid upon another person, that the wish, the thinking that, would bring it back to THEM (the thinker)- well, let’s just say the “scary virus” would not have been so damaging. AND… my mom would not have died.

So who’s to blame for this world event we called a “pandemic”? China?? Hmmnnnn… I beg to differ.

Put the puzzle pieces together. Two laws of physics… universal laws… oh wait… the other law…

As my mom sat confined to her bedroom in the nursing home with nothing but a television promoting fear, falling asleep to media programming her mind, no different than a good hypnotherapist assisting a client to believe in their power to overcome smoking, no different than a good soldier using propaganda in war, no different than the doctor who says to me, “yeah, mind over matter works”, well my mother, according to the Law of Attesction and Repulsion, manifested what her thoughts were thinking and fearing, breathing difficulties… and a trip to the emergency room… and not just once.

So who is to blame? The media for the propaganda of fear of some scary virus? Or my mom for not having a strong enough mind to combat psychological warfare?

It’s like when I had a mild heart attack back in 2018. If the stress and bullying of my employer is what led to me manifesting a mild heart attack, is it (their) fault I had the mild heart attack or mine for repeating negative thoughts of what happened each day at work?

Who’s to blame for the origin of the pandemic? Surely not China.

Is it the repeated simulations run by John Hopkins Center for Medical Security along with those funding the Event 201 Simulatoon in Manhattan in 2019 which put fear into much of humanity which caused a manifestation of what they repeatedly practiced (Law of Attraction) or was it the karma from wishing it on others or negative karma (sin) from WWII returning the lesson, like Newton’s cradle?

There’s lots of puzzle pieces that the senate committee overlooked when searching for the origins of the pandemic, but just looking at these two laws, scientific laws and natural laws, our world can solve many problems… and not just “pandemic” problems.

These two laws also explain war… but that’s for another time. I’m off to meditate on love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, … all things that will help me alleviate some health issues that arose after finding my mom dead. Grief, anger, resentment… those are the root cause of many illnesses. So, I’m back to my practice of forgiveness… I return to Ho’oponopono again and again…even when my heart hurts and I struggle with thoughts in my head and awful visions of mom in the ICU room that day I finally got in to see her.

Does one ever “get over” finding their loved one dead? Even understanding the law, even understanding the spirit is eternal, I’m still at a loss. My heart still hurts. But maybe one of these days after telling her story enough times, just maybe one day, the pain will have disappeared. Maybe the memory of her skin coloring, of her eyes rolled back, of the stench that knocked me out of my body, just maybe one day I’ll “get over it”. At the very least, maybe one day soon, the world will know, and we will never manifest a pandemic ever again and our children and grandchildren will live in peace. Perhaps that’s the legacy my mom will leave us with…has left us with.

In scripture, in the book 2 Kings you will read that the book of the Law was found and having the newfound wisdom, the King repented and he told his people to do so as well.

Perhaps there’s an analogy within this story that you can use in your own life. You don’t need to be a Christian or religious person to say you’re sorry, to feel remorse, or to live according to The Golden Rule. This law, or both laws, are scientific in nature as well as spiritual. You don’t have to take one side or the other these days as science and spirituality are coming together realizing the same concepts are simply explained differently but mean the same thing. It’s not science OR spirituality.

Scientists these days are seeing the spiritual connection and are teaching it, only using their scientific methodology…. I mean… they don’t want to come off as “woo-woo” to their colleagues. Me, frankly, I don’t care what others think. I haven’t cared one bit these past four years that others think I’m crazy when I told them the pandemic wasn’t real. Let’s face it, just as Glenda told Dorothy in the wizard of Oz, you had to figure it out for yourself. You wouldn’t believe me if I had just told you about the illusion, the laws , and how life works.

Are you starting to get the picture?

Until next time, here’s to 2025 being a healing journey for us all.


Rev. Gail Lynn

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