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The 10 Non-Virtuous Actions of Buddhism

Writer's picture: GAIL LYNN GAIL LYNN

January 21, 2025

Dear Reader,

Where has the time gone?? We are 21 days into the new year already! What have I accomplished in these 21 days... since the holidays.... since visiting family in the south.... since publishing my last book?

While much of humanity has been focused on the incoming President for the United States (of America), I have continued my sojourn of healing and understanding life. My many months of restorative processes (reconciling trauma with forgiveness, researching the pandemic, writing, processing grief, understanding the Laws of Nature, Laws of Physics, and universal laws) have continued to guide me to greater understanding. I guess you can say that is how I ended up at a Buddhist Meditation Center. I kept asking the universe, asking the Divine Intelligence, the field, the Creator, for help. And as always, I was led. I share my experience with you so that some of YOU may find something useful in YOUR journey in life, on the life path, on your journey towards enlightenment.

First, I want to begin by relating a well known thought in some spiritual circles of consciouusness that the word "Christ" is a title, meaning "annointed one" or "Chosen one" or being filled with light. Thus, Jesus Christ, THEE Christ, was annointed, chosen, filled with light and was teaching the way to become filled with light, enlightened. Jesus, the enlightened one, healed others with the power of his mind. Jesus, the enlightened one, the Christ, raised Lazarus from the dead. Christ, Jesus, enlightened one, tells us in the Bible that even greater works can WE do when we follow him, when we do as HE did. We too can use our mind to heal others, raise the dead, feed the hungry, when we follow the path he took to become enlightened, when we understand the teachings of the mind that he taught. Jesus said, "I am the way"... but he did NOT say, "I am the ONLY way", for there are others that have become enlightened beings also and in the far east, they use the word, "Buddha" to refer to one being enlightened.

While at the Buddhist Meditation Center, I picked up a book in my dorm called, "Joyful Path of Good Fortune; the path to the supreme happiness of enlightenment " by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. From this book and many others in Buddhist teachings, you will learn that the word "Buddha", in general, means "Awakened One", someone who has awakened from the sleep of ignorance and sees things as they really are. In other words, there is NOT one Buddha, one person, that is worshipped as many think. Rather, the path that Jesus took towards enlightenment, the path many of the prophets took towards enlightenment, is what leads one to become "Christ" or "Buddha" .... awakened... enlightened.... free from faults and ignorance. Buddhas are omni -present, omni-potent, omniscient. More so, according to Buddhist teachings, sacred teachings from ancient times, all the Buddhas (awakened beings) have great unconditional love and compassion for all living beings, without discrimination. Buddhas benefit ALL living beings without exception, not witholding love or compassion, not deeming one country, nation, religion "better than" another. I guess you can say Jesus was also a Buddha. And all Buddhas, awakened ones, have it as their mission to teach others the way towards enlightenment. The path to liberation, to enlightenment, is open to all of humanity.

Over the centuries, sacred teachings have been hidden. They have been burned in piles. They have been withheld by elite religious leaders. Civilizations go through great periods of time where there are no sacred teachings available for study to get out of the delusion we live in. Many people don't even KNOW that they are enslaved. Even today, many countries ban books that lead individuals towards enlightenment. In many countries, people are kept ignorant and poor and BUSY (*ehem*)so that they don't turn to the spiritual path to become enlightened and libterated.

In the Christian Bible, Jesus said, "I am the way". He meant his TEACHINGS were to be incorporated into our life to gain the same freedom, the same healing, the same blessings. He taught the way to liberation. And those teachings include the 10 commandments, the things we are NOT to do... like in Buddhism... the 10 non-virtuous actions are the things NOT to do... because BOTH are considered "sinful" or non-virtuous and because of the law of karma, the action of reaping and sowing as taught in the Bible, those who do not follow these teachings of moral living WILL or DO end up living a life of sickness, poverty, destruction, hell. order to UNITE humanity, in order to bring peace into our divisive world, why not consider other religions, other political parties, other nations, as our brothers and sisters who are merely learning about life and the spiritual path, the spiritual laws that govern humanity, just as you and I are learning. It's not a race nor a competition. As a matter of fact, the more you help others, the greater YOUR journey will be. It's law. How can you follow these moral ideals in each and every day and how can you help others?

Why not preview the above (7) non-virtuous actions, including these last three: 8. Covetousness 9. Malice and 10. Holding wrong views and contemplate how you can improve any of the areas with the object of walking the path with greater moral conviction AND compassion towards all.

It is my practice. I'm not perfect. I'm a practicing Buddha, Christ. I hope YOU give thought to improving YOUR life by these principles also. Together, we make this planet our heaven on earth or our hell on earth. May peace reign for all.

May all beings be free from suffering.

May all beings be happy.

May all beings be loved.

Until next time,

I love you.

Rev. Gail Lynn

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